Standing Orders of the Band:
1. The organisation shall be known as ‘Rushen Silver Band’.
2. The objects of the Band are to rehearse and perform music, to train players and hold social and fund raising events.
3. The Band shall be managed by a Committee which shall comprise of the Secretary, Treasurer, Musical Director, Deputy Musical Director, and at least five and up to seven other full playing members, plus the retiring Chairman. The Chairman to be elected from the Committee at the first Committee Meeting following the Annual General Meeting. The Chairman will have a casting vote.
4. Fifty per cent of the Committee shall be a Quorum.
5. The Committee, elected at the Annual General Meeting each year, are subject to termination of office by resignation, or otherwise shall remain in office until their successors are elected at the Annual General Meeting next following their election. Retiring members of the Committee shall be eligible for re-election.
6. The Committee shall have power to fill any vacancy that may occur. The Committee shall also have the power to co-opt additional full playing members should the need arise.
General Meetings
7. The Annual General Meeting of the Band shall be held at least once in each calendar year for the following purposes:-
(a) to approve the Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting,
(b) to receive the Chairman’s Report,
(c) to receive the Annual Financial Statements
(d) to elect the Committee
(e) to appoint a President,
(f) to report on Vice-Presidents, Life Members, and Honorary Life Members appointed by the Committee during the year
(g) to appoint an Independent Examiner or Auditor as required
(h) to transact any other business
8. A Special Meeting may be convened at any time by the Committee and shall be convened within 28 days from the receipt of requisition in writing signed by not less than one-third of the full playing members specifying the purpose for which the Meeting is required.
9. Notice convening the Annual General Meeting shall be given to all Full Playing and Life Members not less than 28 days before the meeting and shall be advertised in at least one Manx newspaper in the Isle of Man at least 14 days before the Meeting.
10. All Annual General Meetings and Special Meetings of the Band shall be chaired by the Chairman and in his/her absence a member of the Committee shall take the chair.
11. Only full playing members and life members are entitled to vote.
12. Nominations for the appointment of Life Members, Honorary Life Members or Vice Presidents must be made to the Secretary in writing and signed by at least two full playing members for approval by the Committee.
13. There shall be no less than five Trustees, such number to include the Chairman and at least one other full playing member of the Band.
14. The Trustees should hold a meeting at least one month before the Annual General Meeting.
15. The Trustees shall be responsible on behalf of the Band, for any assets of the Band. Should the Band cease to function for a period of six months, the Trustees shall take whatever action is deemed necessary.
16. Not less than two, and not more than four of the Trustees, shall act as Trustees in relation to any real estate that the Band shall purchase, mortgage or sell or otherwise deal with and for this purpose the Trustees will hold such real estate on trust for the general purpose of the Band.
17. The Committee shall account to the Trustees in respect of all musical instruments, uniforms and sundry equipment provided for by the Band to the full playing and junior members, and it shall be the individual responsibility of each member to ensure that all such musical instruments, uniforms and other equipment are kept in good repair, and, in particular, any damage or defects must be reported forthwith to the Committee.
18. The Committee shall propose to the Trustees the names of persons to be invited to be appointed Trustee to fill any vacancy that may occur.
19. Cheques shall be signed by any of two of the following signatories :- Treasurer, Chairman, Secretary or Musical Director.
20. No Trustee or Committee member may receive any payment of money or other material benefit (whether direct or indirect) from the Band except for reimbursement of reasonable out-of-pocket expenses actually incurred in the administration of the Band.
21. These Standing Orders may only be amended by resolution at a General Meeting of the Band. No such resolution shall be deemed to have been passed unless it is carried by a majority of at least two thirds of members voting thereon, of which at least 14 days prior notice has been given to each member entitled to vote.
1. Full Playing Member a musician participating regularly in rehearsals and performances of the Band.
2. Junior Member a person (any age) under tuition who does not regularly participate in rehearsals and performances of the Band.
3. Life Members Life Membership may only be awarded to an individual who is or has been a full playing member of the Band and has made a conspicuous contribution towards the running and performance of the Band.
It is for the Band Committee to decide what constitutes a “conspicuous contribution”, but if awards are not to be misused, it is important that the contribution should be clearly recognised as well beyond what might be expected in the normal course of office, membership or assistance provided. Life membership should not be given simply for long service.
4. Honorary Life Member An Honorary Life Membership may only be awarded to an individual who is or has made a conspicuous contribution to the Band over a long period of time and has not at any time been a full playing member of the Band.
It is for the Band Committee to decide what constitutes a “conspicuous contribution”, but if awards are not to be misused, it is important that the contribution should be clearly recognised as well beyond what might be expected.
5. Vice-President a person invited by the Committee for their interest and support.